July 4, 2022

Good News Today

1 Peter 1:15-16 but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”

Friends, the good news today says WE NEED TO BE HOLY AS OUR FATHER GOD IS HOLY.

It’s been more than three decades since I received Jesus as my savior. But up to this point in my life, I have not fully attained the maturity God wants me to be. Reading our cited verse “Be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect”, it seems like an impossible request, because God knows that we are sinful with a fallen nature and that there is no way that we could perfectly obey this command.

But God’s eternal plan for man is so designed that we are unable to obey His commands in our strength, but He will allow us to attempt to reach perfection – despite knowing that our fleshly efforts will fail. Over time we can always desire to perfect our walk, be a little better, work a little harder, always striving but never reaching that goal of perfection.

Reality tells us being perfect can never be achieved in our own effort and strength, but only through Christ, our perfect Saviour.

Friends, let our desire to be more like Jesus, and to finish the work that He has prepared for us.

God bless us all. Let’s keep the faith.